Chose Passage from Text:
"Indeed, it is not uncommon for the eager Anglo- Saxon who goes to a vivid American university to- day to find his true friends not among his own race but among the acclimatized German or Austrian, the acclimatized Jew, the acclimatized Scandinavian or Italian. In them he finds the cosmopolitan note. In these youths, foreign- born or the children of foreign- born parents, he is likely to find many of his old inbred morbid problems washed away. These friends are oblivious to the repressions of that tight little society in which he so provincially grew up."
My Response:
What I took from this piece, and why it stood out to me, is because I feel this is saying, that Anglo-Saxon's prefer to be with "foreigners" because "...[they're] oblivious to the repressions of that tight little society in which he so provincially grew up". It almost feels like, they are using other people's cultures as a way to escape their own, and it works out because the other foreigners have no idea what the Anglo-Saxon goes through being as an Anglo-Saxon.
It can also be looked at in a positive way, because it is saying that without the "acclimatized" foreign born people, it implies that the Anglo-Saxon prefers to not be with their own people. It gives meaning to being different, shines light toward how different cultures can be used together, even if it's just to be an escape from your own.
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